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contoh kalimat all around us

"all around us" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The answer is all around us... right here.
    Jawabannya ada di sekitar kita... di sini. Air.
  • The truth is that wormholes are all around us
    Sebenarnya lubang cacing ada di sekitar kita
  • There should be islands all around us by now.
    Harus ada pulau-pulau di sekitar kita sekarang.
  • Even though people are dying all around us?
    Meskipun orang - orang mati berserakan disekitar kita?
  • Metaphor lives a secret life all around us.
    Tanpa kita sadari, metafora selalu ada di sekitar kita.
  • There were plenty of role models all around us.
    Ada banyak contoh untuk diteladani di sekitar kami
  • They're all around us, sir, hundreds of them!
    Mereka mengepung kita, pak, mereka ada ratusan!
  • It just feels like it's all around us.
    Itu terasa seolah ada di sekitar kita.
  • These two opposing forces are all around us.
    Perlawanan kedua kekuatan itu ada disekitar kita.
  • Women were dying all around us in the snow.
    Wanita tengah sekarat di sekitar kami dalam salju.
  • And illuminate the dangers all around us.
    Dan menerangi bahaya yang ada di sekitar kita.
  • I realize the clues were all around us.
    Aku menyadari banyak petunjuk ada disekitar kita.
  • Nature is all around us, the pinnacle of creation.
    Alam di sekitar kita, puncak penciptaan.
  • They were everywhere, they were all around us.
    Mereka di mana-mana, mereka semua mengelilingi kami.
  • It'll come there, it's all around us!
    Itu akan kemari. Itu di sekitar kita!
  • And then they were all around us.
    Dan kemudian mereka semua di sekitar kita.
  • It's all around us, all the time.
    Itu semua di sekitar kita, sepanjang waktu.
  • All around us, our world is under attack.
    Disekitar kita, dunia kita sedang diserang.
  • 'All around us everything was the same.'
    'Semua di sekitar kita semuanya sama. "
  • You jest, while all around us threatens to fucking crumble.
    Kau masih bercanda, sementara sekeliling kita hampir runtuh.
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